Glen is widely recognized as a missions strategist, encourager, and motivator of the body of Christ. He has served in key leadership positions with organizations like Campus Crusade for Christ, YFC, Every Home International, and The Canadian Bible Society. His ministry has taken him to over 108 nations around the world. Glen is author of The Monday Memo and currently serves as Lead Facilitator of The Barnabas Group/Canada, a subsidiary ministry of Loads of Love Humanitarian Aid & Mission Society. He and his wife Janette live in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. Glen can be reached at grpitts@rogers.com
We are Jim and Corrie Tanton and have had the privilege of partnering with Glenn Pitts of Barnabas Group to support and encourage Pastor Alex and his family as they introduce people to the love of Jesus Christ. Jim has been able to go on numerous mission trips to come alongside Pastor Alex and the Barnabas group to develop various successful projects to improve the lives of the most vulnerable families and to bring a reason for a living hope in Jesus Christ.
We feel blessed to be able to continue to pray for God's anointing on these projects.
I have been to Nicaragua with Pastor Glen in the past. I’ve seen with my own eyes what has been done in the name of Jesus in this beautiful yet impoverished country. EVERYONE of us are called to serve. There is so much being done over there by the Barnabas Ministry that we do not see here in Canada. Having served in the military, brought me the desire to help others in need.