How very sad to read the biographies of people who, for varying reasons, forgot to live. Much like many – they think about the past. They think about the future. But seldom – if ever – think about the importance of living today.
“First, I was dying to finish high school and start college. And then I was dying to finish college and start working. And then I was dying to marry and have children. And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough so I could get back to my career. And then I was dying to retire. And now – I am dying . . . and suddenly realize that I forgot to live.”
This unknown author reminds us that we only have so much time and energy and we need to be wise to invest them in the things of true importance. Regardless of your age, if you’re still warm and breathing you can make some adjustments to add to life’s value. Caleb was eighty and called out “Give me this mountain!” Socrates, the Greek philosopher, learned to dance when he was seventy. Regardless at what stage of life you’re at, it’s never too late to do some reinventing of yourself to fully live. The fact is, getting older is like water skiing. When you slow down, you go down. So keep going. Keep growing.
In his book “Dance While You Can,” Lance Wubbels said, “I will not stand to the side and allow the music in my heart to fade away and die.”
I will dance to my own life song.
I will stop looking back with regrets… or looking forward with fear and give the best I have today.
I will quiet my soul… silence the noise in my head and heart… and ask myself what I really want out of life.
I will slow down, set limits on my commitments and work, and make certain that those whom I love remain in my life.
I will make a commitment to fulfilling my dreams… no matter what I may be feeling… and I will dare to move forward in the face of life’s challenges.
I will believe that what God has placed inside of me is superior to the mountains that stand in my way.
I will take responsibility for my reactions to people and stop blaming others for how I am feeling.
I will believe I was born to dance… created by God to make a difference in people’s lives.
I will stop doing things the same old way just because I like to play it safe. I will be daring and courageous and refuse to allow fear to control my actions.
I will celebrate the sheer joy of being alive… the joy of being created in the image of God.
I will get rid of any bitterness or resentment or anger in my life. I will forgive others and not waste my life trying to settle scores.
I will take every new day as a fresh beginning in God’s grace and allow my world to be made new.
I will take time for God, to read His Word, to seek His direction for my life.
I will believe what my Creator has said, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
“Lord, help me this day to make the most of each moment realizing life is a gift – but a gift that’s fleeting.” Amen
Be blessed my friend.
Glen (Pitts)
The Barnabas Group / Loads of Love
Psalm 92:14; Colossians 4:5; John 4:34-35