Barnabas Hope Network is a non for profit ministry
Thank you for your faithful support in every way. Please continue to pray and remain open to what God would have you do through your financial participation.
“The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.” (Psalm 118:23)
PLEASE NOTE. “Loads of Love,” the organizational umbrella under which we operate, have recently expanded their options to make giving easier. You may now give by cheque; through the Loads of Love website via Canada Helps; or by a system of automatic withdrawals. Please be sure to designate your gift for “The Barnabas Group.” (See LOL site for details.)
Volunteering .....
All around there is darkness. Epicureans abound. And Stoics are still plentiful. But “others” stand ready for the message we bring. Let us ask God for renewed boldness and a fresh willingness to explore new ways we can help others. For an awakened awareness to opportunities he regularly gives us to seed people’s hearts and minds with the life-transforming power of God’s Word that can pierce through the spiritual darkness within.
Sharing and getting the word out there .....
The one dominating motive why we need to stay engaged in missions is that Jesus Christ commanded His Church to do it!
Jesus last words before ascending to the Father was to challenge His Church to be witnesses of the Gospel to the “uttermost parts of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) This was His mandate! He did not give it in the form of a nice suggestion or a multiple-choice option. Jesus mandated His church – the whole church – to be engaged in heralding the Good News of Jesus to the ends of the earth.
We must, therefore, conclude that any member of Christ’s church who does not assume some responsibility for the fulfillment of His mandate is guilty of disobeying the one thing the Lord of the church commanded her to do. No other justification is necessary. Richard Halverson has said, “We must, if we are to call Him Lord, be everlastingly at the job of telling everybody everywhere of the love of God in Christ.”
The Power of Prayer .....
“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” (Eph. 6:10-20)
There is an exponential infusion of power released in the effort of prayer whereby God puts spiritual forces of another world to work to accomplish things that could not otherwise be accomplished. Prayer is not only an equalizer. Prayer moves us into an unseen realm of strength as it taps into the resources of Almighty God.
Please contact Glen Pitts to learn more on specific areas you
can be praying into @
A blessing on each worker (Matt. 9:37) and on every life in which the good seed has been sown (Isa. 55:10-11).
Pastors in NICA have set an outreach goal – relying on our help – to reach TWO MILLION SOULS with the good news of Jesus by Easter of 2022.
Our "3:16" Growth Group.
We also committed to be more responsible in the follow-up care of new believers by encouraging every new convert to be part of a “3:16 Growth Group” to connect with other people and come to a fuller understanding of what it means to be a faithful follower of Jesus Christ.
Outreach initiatives in our own nation leveraging “JESUS - The Promised HOPE / John 3:16-17”