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A one-page devotional thought.  

Writer's pictureGlen Pitts

Ice Cream Man "Get's right with the Lord."

Bildad Lopez who is part of our ministry team on the ground in Nicaragua, sent me some pictures of an ice cream man who was making his way through her community. On his little push wagon, she had noticed one of our “3:16” posters taped on the side of his wagon. She ran to the street to talk to the man. His story trilled her. His name is Juan Francisco Martinez. He is 40 years old, married, and has four children. He has been selling ice cream for 5 years.

This is Juan’s story. “A few weeks ago, I was out selling ice cream and smoothies when I saw a man stopping various people to talk to them. I stopped pushing my wagon hoping he would talk to me. Very shortly he did. Another man with him was carrying posters. It had the numbers 3:16 on it with some words. He gave me a poster and told me about Jesus and the 3:16 revival that was happening. He invited me to come. So I made my way to a place where many people were gathered. I went thinking I could sell smoothies. However, I got taken up by these happy people and all that they were saying. I walked closer so I could hear clearly. A lady told me I could sit and listen. So I sat down for a while. That day God was more real to me. I asked Jesus to come to me and to help me live for him. It is a day I will never forget.

Every time I see the poster I am reminded about that day. On that day I got things right with the Lord. I am so thankful to God and all the people who welcomed me like family.” - Juan

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