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A one-page devotional thought.  

Writer's pictureGlen Pitts


Every month in Nicaragua thousands of people get to hear about Jesus. Many hundreds of those come to know Him and receive him as personal Savior. Ronaldo Lopez is just one. Here is his story.

“I am 34 years old and I live in the North part of Nicaragua in a city called Ocotal. I have been going through very difficult times in every area of my life – personal problems, economic problems, anxiety, loneliness etc. I don’t have a wife or children. Today however, my life changed.

I was visiting someone at the hospital and a group of people were there giving away Christian tracts. I wondered who they were and where they had come from. As I was walking one of them stopped me and asked me if I could give him 5 minutes to share something very important. I was curious and told him yes. He started telling me about JESUS and who HE is. His name was Carlos. He was from an national evangelistic ministry and attended the church of God. As he talked, I felt something strange inside me.

At first, I tried to convince myself to stop feeling this way. But it just wouldn’t stop. I then started to cry. All I could do is cry because of the sin in my life and all the sad moments I was experiencing. Even while I was crying this Christian man shared a 3-16 tract with me started praying for me. He invited me to ask Jesus to become my savior but I felt so ashamed and so sad. I told him: “I just can’t today. I am a sinner.” Carlos then explained to me that it didn’t matter who I was or what I was doing that the Lord has his arms wide open just to accept me the way I am. At that moment I felt peace and felt loved. I didn’t feel like trash anymore.

I give thanks to God that everything changed for the good. Now I have Jesus in my heart and He is helping me to change what I need to change and showing me that I can’t do things through my own strength but through HIM.

Thank you to those who are out there sharing the good news to the ones that are lost like I was. I realize it’s not about who I am but it’s all because of what Jesus has done. Thank you for leading me to Jesus. I will never forget this day.”

- Ronaldo Lopez.

Please pray…

1. That people deciding for Jesus will become passionate followers of Him.

2. For the preparations going on now for our next major outreach to students in high schools, colleges, and universities throughout Nicaragua. This national campaign begins in February 2022 – the beginning of their new school year. Our collective goal is to reach one million students in this age category, to share the good news of Jesus and inform them – “YOUR LIFE MATTERS. God has a plan and purpose for your life.”

3. Pray for the workers and funds needed.

4. Pray for the great team God has given us in Nicaragua and for our regional “champions” who mobilize the Church and lead the way. 70% of the nation is currently under someone’s care. Over 450 churches are involved.

5. On November 30 four others will be joining me on mission to Nicaragua – Jim Tanton, Stephane Therrien, and Ed & Dinora Sanchez. Please pray with us that God will make us a blessing. "Without Him we can do nothing.” (John 15:4)

Thanks for your critical partnership through your giving and prayers.

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