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A one-page devotional thought.  

Writer's pictureGlen Pitts


Today I received a moving update from a Christian friend ministering in Poland. Every day he now finds himself on the front lines helping desperate people fleeing Russia’s war in Ukraine. What a beautiful role he is playing. Here was his update.

“At the beginning of war, a family of 6 from Kharkiv, who stayed with us in Poznan, Poland for only one night, ended up in Strasburg (France). Yesterday I reached out to one of the mothers, just randomly asking how life had been for them in Strasburg. It turned out that they had major problems with accommodation there and were just about to board the train to go 380 km south. Half of the family would need to stay in Strasburg, half had to go nearly 240 miles away. Because just before the call I talked with a local American missionary, who had over 150 places for refugees in Christian homes, I asked them not to board the train and connected them with the missionary and we were able to keep the family together.” Andrzej then added… “That is the power of Kingdom Connections!”

Just today I returned from a busy ten-day mission to Nicaragua. Again and again, I was reminded of the power of kingdom connections.

The Barnabas Group currently have nine church-based Little Lamb Christian Preschools impacting over 200 children and their families because of the power of kingdom connections

Every day all over this nation of seven million people thousands get to hear about Jesus. Over 1,000 churches are involved in our national initiative to ensure every person gets at least one chance to hear about Jesus and respond. Last month alone over 208,000 people heard about Jesus and 6,960 people – that we are aware of – came to know Jesus. Because of the power of kingdom connections.

Last Thursday, together with a group of ten key Christian leaders, we officially launched a national outreach strategy to reach university, college, and high school students. Tens of thousands of students will hear that “YOUR LIFE MATTERS” and that God created them for a purpose. And how is this possible? Because of the power of kingdom connections.

God smiles with every kingdom connection. Each one is another visible answer to Jesus’ last prayer – “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” (John 17:23)

Every day you and I have opportunities to be part of some “Kingdom Connection.” God is waiting for us to roll up our sleeves and report for duty.

“Father, may your kingdom come and your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.” Amen.

Be blessed my friend.

Glen (Pitts)

The Barnabas Group / Loads of Love

John 17

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