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A one-page devotional thought.  

Writer's pictureGlen Pitts

God at Work. Barnabas Update

Last Friday a shipment of 3,800 Spanish New Testaments was cleared for shipment to Nicaragua. Donated to Barnabas free - including shipping. PTL.

This is Eliseo Eli Castillo one hundreds of God’s faithful front-line workers in rural Nicaragua …on the job proclaiming the good news of Jesus.

Over 140 pastors and church leaders crammed into the Hope Centre to join us for a day of ministry and motivation on our recent Canada Team mission to NICA.

Almost one million high school, college, and university students are being given the message that “YOUR LIFE MATTERS and God has a wonderful purpose and plan for you.”

John 3:16-17

All over Nicaragua, the Good News of Jesus is being proclaimed. Every month thousands of waiting people get to hear about Jesus.

“Convinced that the gospel of Christ is the power of God operative in all who believe to liberate them from the condemnation and corruption of sin, and indebted to His redeeming love, I am under constraint to communicate this saving truth to all who exist without Him in this world. To pray and work with others who share this commitment to the Lord of the Great Commission is every Christian’s joyful privilege and sacred obligation.” Amen.

(Mariano Di Gangi)

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